
Faith and Facing Life’s Challenges

How prepared are we for life’s challenges?  How do we help prepare others?  I woke up with a burden to encourage each of us to make sure our foundations are built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and His Word.  Rain falls on the just and unjust the scripture says. Life’s storms can be overwhelming and challenging.  How do we prepare?

  1. Take and assessment of where you are.  What areas do you feel solid in your faith?  What areas do you find yourself struggling?  Concentrate on building up these weak areas with the Promises in His word.  This summer I had to face the fact some areas of my roof and siding were rotten.  I was afraid it was going to cost a lot emotionally, financially and physically.  As I gained the courage to ask people who really knew how to assess the problem–it was much easier than my imagination led me to believe.  The fear of the task was much bigger than just getting it done!  Ask the Lord to show you your weak areas–He will do so in love, grace and also bring the solution!
  2.  Make a commitment to not only read the word, but to apply it.  Information does not transform us, application begins the transforming work.  I find that I may need to slow down my reading and allow the Holy Spirit to really talk to me about what I am reading to make it clear.
  3. Get connected to a community of believers.  Not just attend a church, but choose to get involved–not just doing tasks together, but developing friendships.  Ask God to open your eyes to those who need your friendship and reach out to them.  I love my Life Group–they are amazing ladies who care for each other.
  4. Seek out those who have gone through trials gracefully.  Ask for their wisdom.  Let them be honest!  Be willing to share your stories as well.  When my husband passed I read the stories of others who walked my same path.  The hope I began to glean from their struggles and victories were like life-lines to me.
  5. Come along side those who are in the midst of challenges maybe you have not faced.  Support them the best you can.  Ask them how can you help.  Be available.  It will help prepare you for your storms as well.
  6. Seek wisdom: Plan on getting married?  Prepare by reading books, talking with others who have a good marriage.  Becoming a parent?  Join a MOPS group, read blogs and books from trusted wise parents who have run the race ahead of you.  Financial issues?  Seek help.  Can’t seem to get along with others?  Get some counseling or tools to learn how to communicate.  We all have emotions, we all need to learn how to handle them so they don’t handle us!  Get prepared!
  7. Help prepare others.  One day at a Mother/Daughter Tea with my own mom, I realized that her job was to prepare me to live without her.  I began my own child-rearing season with understanding I needed to prepare my children for life and its challenges.  I’m not sure if I got it all right–but at least I tried.  I continue to do the same through loving, caring and teaching my grandchildren.
  8. Matthew 7:24-27  Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.  

Challenges come in many forms.  We can join with the Boy Scouts and their model: BE PREPARED

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